Monday, October 20, 2014

Sam Harris, Waking Up, a missed chance

I was curious and excited about Sam Harris's book Waking Up. I even ordered the hard copy on Amazon, something I seldom do anymore.
I am sad to say that I find the book quite disappointing.
Harris circles the subject of waking up (awakening, enlightenment), but never touches it.  We learn about drugs, fake guru's, near death experiences...; the cliché subjects.
We learn a little of meditation for beginners.
I get the feeling that Harris does not believe that Waking Up actually exists as an experience.
But if that is the case, then why write a book with the title Waking Up?
Harris mentions Ramada Maharaji, but does not venture into this brilliant men's history very far. A missed opportunity.
I also get the feeling that the strongest message in Waking Up is Harris claiming the right to use the term 'spirituality' while being a scientist. A bad choice of language if you ask me as the term is more polluted then ever by vagueness and reeks of the very false guru's Harris is writing about.

Why do we meditate? To Wake Up from the dream that we call reality, from the illusion that we call Self. What happens when we reach such a state of realization? Harris does not really talk about that. A missed chance. Sorry, Sam!


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