Saturday, December 20, 2014

Douglas Harding

Douglas Harding 1909-2007

There once was an Englishman who understood Zen deeply and completely.
He answered the famous Zen koan (question): What did your face look like before you were born?
Douglas Harding.
Why have I, interested in Waking Up for 30 odd years, never heard of this man before?
I read about headlessness and facelessness and eyelesssness in some obscure Tibetan text on the Net and couldn't locate it anymore afterwards. It was in Sam Harris's book, Waking Up that I first heard of The Man without a Head, Douglas Harding, a couple of months ago now.
This lead me to the Headless website:

I began doing the experiments and I immediately Woke Up (to the true nature of reality). I then did the experiments with my students and two of them had a profound Waking Up experience.

Headlessness? Experiments? You might wonder. Has she finally gone insane indeed?

Check it out.

Here's an introduction:

Wonderful stuff!

Friday, December 12, 2014


Non Self

Thoughts like colorful ribbons
Lead me away
From the empty heart that remains still
The lips smile, the brain knows
I am nothing but
A bundle of weather
Imagine that you are your own best friend
Lay back like that
Hands behind your head, as if in the grass
Near a well, clear water bubbling
You and yourself by the well
Best friends
Transported on colorful ribbons of thought
Away from the empty heart

Monday, December 1, 2014