Thursday, May 8, 2014

Meditators are just that; meditators

Roger Raveel

Let's be clear about one thing: a meditator, an enlightened person, a person on her way to enlightenment..... they are just that.
Meditators or enlightened people or people on their way to enlightenment are not necessarily physically fit or beautiful, they are not necessarily vegans or vegetarians, they are not necessarily practicing all sorts of other things like yoga.
Meditators are just meditators. Their focus is enlightenment.
Enlightenment is not something you can become.
Becoming is mutually exclusive when it comes to enlightenment.
Enlightenment is about being, not becoming.
And about seeing.
And about vastness.

Say your own name like a mantra so many times that it loses it's meaning.
Look in the mirror at your own face until it loses all familiarity.
It is at that moment of estrangement from the Self that one experiences vastness.
Vastness can cause great fear. Just let the fear be and experience the vastness anyway.
Voila you have had a glimpse into enlightenment.

People who I think are or were enlightened:

Eckhart Tolle
Roger Raveel
Byron Kathy
Leonard Cohen


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