Monday, March 31, 2014

Another way of getting to the blank space behind our thoughts: the Now

When Eckhart Tolle speaks (and he speaks a lot in public) he always talks about only one thing: the Now; the present moment. He is the Master of the Now and he is very good at explaining in very precise language what the Now is.
You might wonder: what is so special about that, we all know what the word 'now' means, we all know what the Now is....
This is not true, we know in fact very little about the Now.
Try to answer this question: What is the Now?

When we google the word NOW we get a number of definitions:

Google says:
adverb: now
  1. 1.
    at the present time or moment.
    "where are you living now?"
    synonyms:at the moment, at present, just now, right now, at the present time, at the present moment, at this time, at this moment in time, currently, here and now; More
    informal at the minute
    "I'm afraid I'm extremely busy now, but I could see you in the morning"
    nowadays, today, these days, in this day and age;
    in the present climate, things being what they are, in the present circumstances;
    rare contemporarily
    "television is now the main source of political information for most people"

    • at the time directly following the present moment; immediately.
      "if we leave now we can be home by ten"
      synonyms:at once, straight away, right away, right now, this minute, this instant, immediately, instantly, directly, without further/more ado, promptly, without delay, as soon as possible; More
      informal pronto, straight off, a.s.a.p., toot sweet;
      "it would be best if you leave now"

    • under the present circumstances; as a result of something that has recently happened.
      "it is now clear that we should not pursue this policy"
    • on this further occasion, typically as the latest in a series of annoying situations or events.
      "what do you want now?"
    • used to emphasize a particular length of time.
      "they've been married four years now"
    • (in a narrative or account of past events) at the time spoken of or referred to.
      "she was nineteen now, and she was alone"
  2. 2.
    used, especially in conversation, to draw attention to a particular statement or point in a narrative.
    "now, my first impulse was to run away"
  3. 3.
    used in a request, instruction, or question, typically to give a slight emphasis to one's words.
    "we can hardly send her back, now can we?"
    • used when pausing or considering one's next words.
      "let me see now, oh yes, I remember"
  4. 4.
    used at the end of an ironic question echoing a previous statement.
    "‘Mum says you might let me have some of your stamps.’ ‘Does she now?’"
conjunction: now
  1. 1.
    as a consequence of the fact.
    "they spent a lot of time together now that he had retired"
adjective: now
  1. 1.
    fashionable or up to date.
    "see more of what's now during our autumn catwalk show"
Non of these definitions quite covers what Tolle is talking about.
When we listen to Tolle long enough we will understand: We are the Now. Dig that! I think it is true. What do you think?
Enjoy the following talk by Tolle!
     Eckhart Tolle


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